Nicole and I went to the pool at the Community Center around 1:30 or so today. We weighed in on two different scales. The first one was 186, then the second was 185. My original weigh-in weight was 193.6, then the one at work was 188.8. I said we should just keep finding different scales until we reach our optimum weight. LOL
But the second scale that told me 185 before we got in the pool was 187 after. Talk about water logged!
When we got back from our swim, I did my yoga, so at least I got all my exercise in. I HATE doing the bows and bridges, but something when TWANG and my back was fine after that, and my shoulder is better. Go figure!
I stopped at HyVee tonight and got some more bananas and clementines along with plums and pears. The check out woman dropped a clementine and said, "I don't feel like picking that up" and bagged my stuff. I was like, " should I go get another one?" (I PAID for that clementine, sweetie!) And she said I could do that if I wanted to. (HUH!?!??!) So I went back and they were GONE. I had to find a guy that worked there and have him find where they went (they were restocking, and were bringing more from the back room.) Good grief. Just BEND OVER and pick it up! Marv was wondering where the heck I went. LOL
Anyway, Check and check on the five fruits and veggies, but it was hit or miss. The ratatouille from Nicole and spinach for dinner pushed me over the edge.
Tomorrow: The running begins.
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