Saturday, July 5, 2014

What a day! At the moment, I'm hiding in the upstairs bedroom with the music cranked. Why? Because the rat terror downstairs will NOT stop barking. She's in her kennel at the moment because she attacked Nikki (the other dog) AGAIN. Her separation anxiety is just out of control. I tried to go downstairs a few minutes ago and sneak out the back door, but it didn't work. She heard me and commenced her wailing. So I'm back upstairs in the cat's room listening to Johnny Cash as loud as the computer will go. If I thought I would survive the jump from the second floor window, I'd go out that way. I am considering medication (her or me, I haven't decided yet), or boarding her for the next five days.

I love country music, but I have stuff to DO, and I can't leave this room without hearing her bark. She has SUCH bad separation anxiety that I can't even go to the bathroom without her screaming incessantly. And I can't take her in the yard off - leash because she can get under the gate. I can't get anything done because I can't have her and my dogs in the same area because she attacks Nikki. I had her on the leash in the yard with me, and Nikki just got too close and Dottie went for her! I put her in her crate, and was trying to get some work done, and she just SCREAMED without pause or stop. 

This morning I took her to the dog park for an hour and ran her around for a mile and a half and then walked her two miles this afternoon. I give her marrow bones to chew, etc. etc. Everything that has worked for EVERY other dog I've had with SA fails miserably with her. Nothing wears her out. Nothing keeps her interested. She just wants to bark and scream unless I actually just hold her in my lap. (In which case, she's fine as long as Nikki stays away...which isn't fair to my dogs and I can't just SIT there all weekend.) I have her for five more days (three already) and I think I'm going to lose my mind. 

So basically, I've exhausted everything I can think of short of Benadryl. I had to come upstairs and turn on the music loud and my dogs are outside (I can still hear her screaming outside, so there's nowhere to go to get away from it.) Gypsy doesn't want to come in the house because then she's trapped with the screaming.

I have been advised by a local animal rescue that I can give her a half of a Benadryl. And myself a glass of whisky.

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